Welcome to My Blog
LA Art Notes, where I post short essays and photos of my work to illustrate each theme. These are categorized under three broad headings, Personal, Creative Response to Current Events, and Inspirations and you are invited to browse through all the topics. I’d especially love your feedback on the essays, the images, or both.
We will not be silenced
I have been pondering how individuals can make a difference. Here are some preliminary ideas.
Static Motion and LocoMotion
These paired works started as an exploration of stillness and dynamism. It wasn’t until afterwards that I realized that both germinated subconsciously as a story of frustration around sheltering in place for a year…
Current & Past Articles

“In the Garden” Collage Series
My garden looks a mess. Fallen leaves, tangled branches, winter buds, spent and spotted leaves, remnants of flowers and fruit, and traces of foraging raccoons and squirrels. If you can’t beat ‘em… join them. Lots of fodder for art!
Collecting Colors
I’m drawn to patterns, to sparkle, to color…
“In the Garden” Collage Series
My garden looks a mess. Fallen leaves, tangled branches, winter buds, spent and spotted leaves, remnants of flowers and fruit, and traces of foraging raccoons and squirrels. If you can’t beat ‘em… join them. Lots of fodder for art!
“In the Garden” Collage Series
My garden looks a mess. Fallen leaves, tangled branches, winter buds, spent and spotted leaves, remnants of flowers and fruit, and traces of foraging raccoons and squirrels. If you can’t beat ‘em… join them. Lots of fodder for art!
The Great Wave
Over the last months, I have been preparing artwork that is meant to conjure water for a juried exhibition titled SHIMMER:
The theme of the show is inspired by a quote from Toni Morrison, who wrote “All water has a perfect memory and is forever trying to get back to where it was.” …
Art of Opportunity
Call it land art, graffiti, urban blight or environmental vandalism. I call it “art of opportunity”…