We will not be silenced
I have been pondering how individuals can make a difference. Here are some preliminary ideas.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Laura Abrams contributed 17 entries already.
I have been pondering how individuals can make a difference. Here are some preliminary ideas.
This November, I am excited to be making my curatorial debut at Abrams Claghorn Gallery. I am honored to be joined by four respected artist colleagues–Elizabeth Addison, Salma Arastu, Marguerite Elliot, and Vicki Gunter–who have each built a rich body of work addressing environmental concerns.
A recent source for collage elements is an old photography magazine from the early 1960s containing black and white art photos of people and animals. Many of the photos feature nude models who fit the beauty aesthetic of the time…
My garden looks a mess. Fallen leaves, tangled branches, winter buds, spent and spotted leaves, remnants of flowers and fruit, and traces of foraging raccoons and squirrels. If you can’t beat ‘em… join them. Lots of fodder for art!
Call it land art, graffiti, urban blight or environmental vandalism. I call it “art of opportunity”…
Over the last months, I have been preparing artwork that is meant to conjure water for a juried exhibition titled SHIMMER:
The theme of the show is inspired by a quote from Toni Morrison, who wrote “All water has a perfect memory and is forever trying to get back to where it was.” …
The curators of Dollhouse: Art as Serious Play honored me with a request to create an art dollhouse from a pre-fab cardboard structure. Here is a little bit about my process It was so much fun!
Dollhouse: Art as Serious Play has deep personal resonance for me. I wrote this article for the exhibition catalog, as well as creating a new dollhouse for the exhibit at ARC Gallery Jan 15-Feb 19, 2022.
The first square of this work, “Full Chroma 1” was created for Composing the Future, the 2021 NCWCA Member show…
I’ve always been fascinated by art in public places. However, while basking in the art-rich Bay Area, Los Angeles and New York landscapes…